The realm of fire and chaos (also referred to as The Nether) is home to the fire beasts and a land of constant warfare.
Ancient Debris (Netherite)
Mine Requirement: Diamond Tier Pickaxe or higher
Drops: Ancient Debris
Main Crafts: Netherite Pickaxe
Rarity: Rare
Block of Raw Ruby
Mine Requirement: Netherite Tier Pickaxe or higher
Drops: Ruby
Main Crafts: Ruby Bar
Rarity: Epic
Vanilla Ores Info
ColdMC's Vanilla ore distribution in the Nether
Lower levels has higher chances of Ancient Debris
Lower levels also has more molten scoria and also a higher chance of Block of Raw Ruby
Biomes (Incendium)
Ash Barrens
The Ash Barrens is a desolate, barren landscape characterized by its dark, ashy terrain. The ground is mostly composed of blackened ash blocks, with sparse vegetation that has been charred by the intense heat of the biome. The sky is often hazy with drifting ash particles, creating an eerie, apocalyptic atmosphere. Structures found in this biome may include remnants of ancient civilizations, now reduced to ruins by the unforgiving environment. Hostile mobs such as Blazes and Magma Cubes are common here, thriving in the hot, dry conditions.
Infernal Dunes
The Infernal Dunes biome is a vast, fiery desert dominated by rolling dunes of red-hot sand and scorched earth. The landscape is punctuated by large, smoking craters and pools of bubbling lava, making it a treacherous area to navigate. The intense heat causes the air to shimmer, distorting the landscape in the distance. Structures such as abandoned outposts and small fortresses can be found here, often partially buried in the sand. The biome is home to mobs like Ghasts and Piglins, who patrol the dunes, making it a dangerous place for unprepared adventurers.
Inverted Forest
The Inverted Forest is a bizarre and twisted biome where gravity seems to play tricks on the landscape. Trees grow upside down, with their roots exposed to the sky, and the ground is covered in dense, shadowy foliage. The air is thick with an unnatural mist, and the light levels are lower than in other biomes, creating a sense of perpetual twilight. Structures within this biome may include upside-down temples and strange, floating islands. Hostile mobs such as Phantoms and Endermen are prevalent, adding to the unsettling atmosphere of the forest.
Quartz Flats
Quartz Flats is a stark, gleaming biome composed primarily of quartz blocks, creating a blindingly bright landscape. The ground is smooth and reflective, with large crystals of quartz jutting out from the surface. The biome is largely devoid of vegetation, with only a few hardy, crystalline plants managing to survive in the harsh conditions. Structures in this biome might include ancient, quartz-built temples or monolithic pillars. Mobs are relatively rare, but you may encounter Striders and the occasional Blaze, drawn to the biome's heat.
Toxic Heap
The Toxic Heap biome is a wasteland of poisonous sludge and decaying organic matter. The ground is covered in a thick layer of toxic waste, which bubbles and hisses when disturbed. The air is filled with noxious fumes, making it difficult to breathe without proper protection. Dead trees and mutated plants dot the landscape, their forms twisted by the toxic environment. Structures like ruined factories and abandoned labs can be found, hinting at the industrial disaster that created the biome. Hostile mobs include Slimes and Wither Skeletons, which thrive in the poisonous atmosphere.
Volcanic Deltas
Volcanic Deltas is a dynamic and dangerous biome filled with active volcanoes and rivers of flowing lava. The ground is composed of basalt and blackstone, with frequent eruptions sending plumes of ash and molten rock into the air. The landscape is rugged and treacherous, with steep cliffs and deep chasms that can easily catch unwary travelers off guard. Structures such as magma-covered fortresses and ancient ruins are scattered throughout the biome. Mobs like Magma Cubes and Blazes are common, taking advantage of the intense heat and volatile environment.
Weeping Valley
The Weeping Valley is a somber and sorrowful biome, characterized by its perpetually overcast sky and constant rainfall. The ground is saturated with water, creating muddy terrain and shallow pools. Weeping Willows and other melancholic trees line the valley, their branches drooping towards the ground as if in mourning. Structures like abandoned villages and decaying mansions can be found, adding to the overall feeling of desolation. Hostile mobs such as Witches and Zombies are common, lurking in the shadows and preying on unsuspecting travelers.
Withered Forest
The Withered Forest is a dead and decaying biome, where once-thriving trees have been reduced to withered husks. The ground is littered with dead leaves and the skeletal remains of trees, creating a bleak and lifeless environment. The air is dry and filled with the scent of decay, and the sky is often darkened by thick clouds. Structures such as crumbling towers and ruined castles can be found, remnants of a civilization long gone. Hostile mobs like Wither Skeletons and Phantoms are prevalent, making this biome especially dangerous for explorers.
Forbidden Castle
The Forbidden castle is an ominous, randomly generated structure, considered to be the most challenging of Muspelheim because of the well-trained Piglins inhabiting the place. Those Piglins are capable of everything to protect their territory and more importantly, their precious loot and weapons. The Forbidden castle is generated in a logical but random way, with fortified walls and towers protecting the fort you can enter through an entrance and court, but all possible pieces of the castle cannot spawn at the same time, meaning some rooms and the loot that comes with it might be missing from one Forbidden castle to another.
The Sanctum is a structure that lies within the Quartz flats biome. Resembling a church made out of Quartz, inhabited by Illagers that found their way into the Nether, it is suspected that they built this church over a Bastion they destroyed, and that secrets lie within the basement of this massive building. When getting close to the structure, the curse of the place will prevent you from mining blocks, leaving you no option than to fight your way through
The Sanctum is the biggest non-randomly generated structure in Muspelheim and can be hard to explore, but it can be divided into three parts.
Main floor
Like a church, you enter the main floor through a narthex with two stairs leading to the first two towers. A path of redstone dust, or blood, near the entrance leads to the middle of the first right tower. A passage above the entrance connects the first floors of the first left and right towers. You can then enter the nave and aisle, leading straight to the sanctuary, where you will find a lectern and an altar with, on the sides, a way inside the two other towers. This main floor is filled with Illagers and even Illusioners, a mob still unused in Vanilla Minecraft.
First left tower
The first left tower appears to be the common rooms for the Illagers inhabiting the Sanctum, with loots and furniture on the first two floors and a common bedroom on the 3rd one. The last one being kept for one of the four giant bells of Sanctum. The redstone dust, or blood, path also seem to start at the first floor of that tower.
First right tower
The first right tower first three floors are a decorated inside garden, in the middle of a staircase with a chandelier coming down from the 3rd floor ceiling. At the middle of that garden is a hidden stairway, noticeable by following the redstone dust, or blood, trail, leading down to the basement of the Sanctum. The topmost floor of that tower houses the second giant bell of the Sanctum.
Second left tower
The second left tower floors appears to be working a working area, with cauldrons full of water to wash clothing on the first floor, then on the floors above, bookshelves with chairs and desks to read and write. The last two floors seems to be restricted since one of the four bells of the Sanctum has crashed through the fifth floor.
Second right tower
The second right tower, like the second left tower, seems to be made for working purposes, with a kitchen at its base then, on the floors above storage, furniture, and workstations, before reaching the last of the four giant bells of the Sanctum.
The basement of the Sanctum is well-hidden, accessible through a hidden stairway in the first right tower, that leads through a set of galleries built withing the ruin of what is suspected to have been a Bastion.
War table room
The first room found upon descending the hidden staircase appears to be a meeting room with what seems to be a war table in the middle of it. This room also has multiple wooden coffins, workstations and other furniture lying around, which is logical considering the fact that it's a crossroads to other major parts of the Sanctum's basement.
Daybreaker maze
The Daybreaker maze can be entered by turning right at the bottom of the hidden staircase. A secret entrance can be found inside of it, alongside loot, including the Daybreaker.
When breaking the item frame holding the Daybreaker, the floor of the whole maze will collapse and fall into lava.
Coffins storage room
Going left at the bottom of the hidden staircase through the war table room will lead you to a large corridor located right under the Sanctum's entrance. Apart from wooden coffins in the back, the room appears pretty empty.
When entering the room, a trap will activate, locking you in and starting a clock shooting fireballs through the whole corridor.
Storage maze
Continuing through the coffins storage room will lead you to a maze with a storage room in the middle of it. The maze is booby trapped in multiple spots and multiple Sanctum ravagers roam inside of it, making it more difficult to fight your way through it than navigate it.
Torture room
A torture room can be found at the end of the storage maze, containing multiple torture devices and cells.
Withered tree hub
Going straight at the bottom of the hidden staircases through the war table room leads you into a hub connecting other majors rooms of that floor together. That hub is built around a lava pit with a withered tree in the middle of it. The bottom of the Withered Tree Hub is also the way to access the Crypt through piston doors, if you bring fire resistance potions and jump into the lava you will be able to swim over too the piston door that has buttons on the walls next to it apon pressing these you will be able to swim through the lava into the Crypt.
Overworld resources storage
Taking a left in the hub leads into a room filled with resources from the Overworld, wood, live chickens and ores.
Portal room
Connected to the storage room next to it, this room hosts a lit Nether portal leading back to the Overworld, where Illagers in the Sanctum go back to when they are out of provisions. It is unknown if that portal was the one they used to enter the Nether in the first place.
Hidden altar room
Going forward through the hub will lead you to a quartz-walled corridor, continuing forward through that corridor will lead to a room located right under the Sanctuary of the main floor. In the middle of that room is another altar shaped almost like a coffin.
After going forward in the withered tree hub and taking a left down another flight of stairs, you will enter the mausoleum. Despite appearing as luxurious at first glance, this last floor hides many secrets, traps, and treasures.
Exposition area
At the bottom of the stairs is a large corridor turning left leading to multiple rooms with exhibited artworks and riches.
Biome murals section
The first right turn in that corridors leads to a section with two rooms with murals representing all the Helheim biomes, between those two rooms is a corridor filled with terracotta pots.
Plants collection
Going straight through that section leads to a room with multiple plants from the Nether and Overworld
Wither statue
At the other end of that section's corridor is a room with a broken down Wither sculpture
Infinite corridor
Back to the large corridor, taking a left then a right and another left will lead you into a room with a pressure plate connected to a dispenser. Activating it drops an item of low value, and appears to have made the corridor you entered infinite.
Hidden poppies garden
Hidden behind a painting at the back of the large corridor is an indoor garden full of poppies. There is no apparent reason for that many poppies to be there, much less hidden behind a painting
Hidden crypt
The hidden crypt is the secret part of the mausoleum, accessible through a piston door at the end of the exposition area main corridor then through the lava pit then another hidden piston door upfront. The lava pit can also be accessed through a tunnel built to fill the pit or by directly dropping from the withered tree hub
The hidden crypt of the mausoleum is mostly composed of a maze filled with cobwebs and random loot and materials scattered around, although some areas steps out.
Storage room
At the center of the maze is a storage room with two shelves on each side with a total of 7 barrels. Each barrel appears with one random potion with a random effect inside of it. There is a minuscule chance that instead of a random potion effect, the Death potion is found, which applies all the existing negative effects of Minecraft all at once.
Mage room
A room with a lectern, an enchanting table and multiple bookshelves can be found further down the maze.
Left turns corridors
One part of the maze consists of 5 successive left turn dead ends, the last one having a barrel containing the Ragnarok bow.
Vault entrance
The end of the maze leads to a locked vault. 3 item frames with spectral arrows can found on both sides of that room, hinting how to open the vault.
The vault is the last room at the Sanctum. Killing the 3 Sanctum guardians inside of it will give you a chance to obtain their Holy wrath crossbows and will get rid of the mining fatigue curse.
Infernal Altar
The Infernal altar is a mysterious dome-shaped blazing structure with its interior representing all the existing biomes of Muspelheim that can be found in the Infernal dunes. At the center of the structure, you can find a book with a faded out text, indicating the process to summon the Hovering Inferno, the final boss of Muspelheim.
Ruined Lab
The Ruined lab is a circle-shaped structure with a glass dome roof inhabited by buffed Wither skeletons, also called Withered scientists. Those Withered scientists seem to be holding some Piglins hostage to do experiments on them and try to develop new weapons against the Piglins. At the center of the structure, we can find the remains of what might be a Wither cage mixed and or a Basalt generator.
Nether Reactor
The Nether reactor is a structure before called Power plant shaped like a nuclear chimney, with some control rooms on its side, it is believed that this structure was used by Wither skeletons to create powerful weapons against the Piglins. Although it is now inactive, it is still inhabited by the Radiation director and the Reactor sentry, they might be guarding some powerful tools...
Biomes: Basalt deltas, Toxic heap, Volcanic deltas
Abandoned Tower
The Abandoned tower is a structure group looking like a village placed around a tower at its center filled with skeletons defending its loot. Atop the centermost tower awaits a caged Ghastling. However, watch out for the traps they planted for you.
Biomes: Quartz Flats
Quartz Kitchen
The Quartz kitchen is a restaurant run by Torte and his crew of Skeleton brothers. It has a kitchen and dining area, a garden and some storage rooms. Surely a restaurant in such a place holds some secrets...
Biomes: Quartz Flats
Piglin Village
The Piglin village is a randomly generated custom village full of passive Piglin villagers. It is a great place to rest and gather some resources while exploring Muspelheim.
Biomes: Crimson Forest
The Pipelines are abandoned, randomly generated structures, filled with Sentries, still defending the place. The purpose and makers of those structures is still unknown.
Biomes: Basalt deltas, Infernal dunes, Toxic heap
Mob Spawns
Mythril Ore
Rarity: Rare
Hovering Inferno
Last updated
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